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Hoshiyama Detached House at the Foot of MtFuji
84-2 Hoshiyama HOSHIYAMA, 4180035
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Ce que ce lieu a à offrir
Services et commodités
Ascenseur, Enregistrement/départ sans contact
Restauration, boissons et collations
Cuisine, Cuisine commune
Accès Internet
Wi-Fi dans les espaces publics, Wi-Fi gratuit dans toutes les chambres!
Où vous allez dormir
67 m²
Separated from a detached house (Building A) Pets
2 single beds and 6 futons
68 m²
Separated from A Detached House Building A<1>
2 single beds
42 m²
Separated from a detached house (Building B) Pets
43 m²
Separated from a detached house (Building B) Pets
4 futons
67 m²
Separated from a detached house (Building A) Pets
39 m²
Private private room (C room) at the back of the 2
4 futons
39 m²
Private private room (C room) at the back of the 2
43 m²
Separated from A Detached House Building B<1>
Separated from A Detached House Building A<1>
2 single beds
Separated from A Detached House Building B<1>
Ce que disent les autres clients à propos de cet hôtel
Hoshiyama Detached House at the Foot of MtFuji
Gotemba, Japon
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Où vous allez rester
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