धूम्रपान क्षेत्र वाले होटल
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तारीखें जोड़ें, मेहमान जोड़ें
सभी दिखाएँ 80 फोटो
Onsen Yashiki Barden-ya Soho
रेटेड नहीं
रेटेड नहीं
मेहमानों द्वारा रेटेड
रेटेड नहीं
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लिफ्ट, लॉन्ड्री सेवा, सामान भंडारण
भोजन, पेय, और स्नैक्स
कक्ष सेवा [24 घंटे]
इंटरनेट पहुंच
सभी कमरों में मुफ्त वाई-फाई!, सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रों में वाई-फाई
आप कहाँ सोएंगे
22 m²
[Sanma] East Building Japanese and Western rooms 8 tatami mats + 6 tatami mats + DK twin (with ba...
23 m²
[Non-smoking] West Building Japanese and Western rooms 10 tatami mats + 4.5 tatami mats Twin (wit...
31 m²
[Western room twin] East building Western room 2 beds (with bath and toilet) [Standard] [Twin roo...
31 m²
22 m²
[Non-smoking] West Building Corner Room Japanese and Western Room 14 tatami mat twin (with bath a...
31 m²
East Wing Low Floor Corner Smoking Single Mountain View No view Room
22 m²
[Non-smoking twin] West Building Western-style room with 2 beds (with bath and toilet) [Standard]...
20 m²
West Wing Low Floor No Smoking Economy Single Mountain View No view Room
28 m²
[Non-smoking] West Building Japanese and Western rooms 10 tatami mats + 7.5 tatami mats Twin (wit...
22 m²
[Non-smoking] West Building Japanese-style room 14 tatami mats (with bath and toilet) [Superior] ...
Onsen Yashiki Barden-ya Soho
Shiroishi, जापान
तारीखें जोड़ें
मेहमान जोड़ें
उपलब्धता जांचें
आप कहाँ रहेंगे
तारीखें और मेहमान जोड़ें
उपलब्धता जांचें