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Yuanmei Light Luxury Hotel (Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center Zhonggang Plaza)
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
65 m²
1 queen bed
42 m²
Ocean View Twin Room
2 single beds
42 m²
Guestroom (Double bed)
1 queen bed
42 m²
Guestroom (2 beds)
2 single beds
42 m²
Guestroom - Sea-View (Double bed)
1 queen bed
85 m²
Executive Suite
1 queen bed
42 m²
Ocean View King
1 queen bed
42 m²
Big Room
1 queen bed
65 m²
Yuan Mei Qing She Shi Guang Tao Fang
1 single bed and 1 queen bed
42 m²
Yuan Mei Shu Xin Shuang Chuang Fang
Yuanmei Light Luxury Hotel (Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center Zhonggang Plaza)
Shenzhen, Cina
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