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Hotel EX
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Vad detta ställe har att erbjuda
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Var du kommer sova
Standard Double (You can watch Netflix and YouTube/Hotel-style bedding)
Standard Double (You can watch Netflix and YouTube/Hotel-style bedding) (5 hour use only)
Premium Double Room
1 double bed
Standard Double (You can watch Netflix and YouTube/Hotel-style bedding) (4 hour use only)
Standard Double (You can watch Netflix and YouTube/Hotel-style bedding) (6 hour use only)
Gaming 2PC - bathtub (high specification 2PC, Netflix/YouTube available, hotel bedding)
Gaming 2PC - bathtub (high specification 2PC, Netflix/YouTube available, hotel bedding) (6 hour use only)
Gaming 2PC - Bathtub holder (2PCs with high specifications, Netflix/Youtube viewing available, hote (6 hour use only)
Gaming 2PC - Bathtub holder (2PCs with high specifications, Netflix/Youtube viewing available, hote
Gaming 2PC - bathtub (high specification 2PC, Netflix/YouTube available, hotel bedding) (4 hour use only)
Hotel EX
Pusan, Sydkorea
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